Manna Missions Conference: All In

oct. 17-20

Are you “all in” with your commitment to tell others about the love of Jesus? This question will be the theme of our annual missions emphasis.

Being fully committed to the Great Commission means more than a willingness to move to another country. It applies to all of us right where we are.

Are we “all in” to:

  • Pray for others’ salvation?

  • Pray for missionaries?

  • Give to missions?

  • Go on a mission trip?

  • Consider becoming a full-time missionary?

We’ll be joined by missionary guests from around the world. They’ll join us in services, classes and other venues.

In addition, we’ll highlight the Manna Food Pantry, which is our largest local ministry. Everyone will have an opportunity to put their faith into action by contributing and assembling Thanksgiving meal kits for our pantry. You’re invited to join the packing party the evening of Thursday, Oct. 17.

Love in action: Thanksgiving baskets

You’re invited to contribute some or all of the items on the Food Pantry Thanksgiving shopping list. We’ll include turkeys, but suggest contributing $20 (instead of a turkey) so we can ensure room to store and preserve them until the distribution date. If you would rather donate the funds instead of shopping, the cost per basket is $40 (with your gift, please note it is for the Food Pantry).

Food Pantry Thanksgiving Shopping List

  • 1 Turkey ($20 suggested for purchase instead)

  • 2 Green Beans

  • 1 Mashed Potatoes (instant)

  • 2 Gravy Powder Packets – Turkey

  • 1 can Sweet Potatoes 1 Stuffing

  • 1 Cranberry Sauce

  • 1 Cake mix

  • 1 Frosting