ministries at manna

Ministries of Manna Fellowship Church

Ministries at Manna

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry at Manna Fellowship Church
At Manna, we want kids to come running. What does that mean?
Children are never too young to experience the love of Jesus.
  • “Let us run the race with … our eyes fixed on Jesus.” – Hebrews 12:2
  • “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children.” — Jesus, Matthew 18:16

Are you new to Manna Kids?
Children are welcome in worship services or at Manna Kids. For Manna Kids, please begin at the information desk in the main lobby and inform our team that your children will be participating for the first time. We’ll ask you to complete a form that provides important information about your kids (allergies, health needs and emergency contact information) so they can have an excellent experience.

Manna Kids activities 
Sunday morning
Children from preschool through fifth grade experience God’s love and truth on an age-relevant level while parents participate in worship.
  • 8 a.m. Learning and play for nursery-second grade
  • 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. Children learn about God and His Word through interactive activities including crafts, games, experiments and stories.
About our nursery
We’re committed to a secure, caring environment for infants and toddlers. The nursery is divided into a section for crawlers and a section for toddlers.

Sunday evenings
Children from age 3 through fifth grade are invited to Awana, a high-energy evening oriented around introducing children to God and His Word. Awana runs from September-May.
Children's Ministry at Manna Fellowship Church
Kids Quest and Kids Camp
  • Kids Quest is a local, week-long themed activity for children age 3 through those entering sixth grade. Evening sessions include games, worship, Bible teaching and tons of fun.
  • Kids Camp is a summer week of offsite learning and activities for children entering fourth through sixth grade.

Child safety
At Manna, we’re honored that you entrust your children to us. We take your child’s safety seriously. Here are a few elements of our safety protocol:
  • All volunteers undergo a criminal background check.
  • The children’s area is secured. Only parents are allowed in and they are escorted to pick up their children.
  • A security team is active throughout the building, including the Manna Kids area.
  • Radios are available throughout Manna Kids if there is a medical or other emergency.
  • There are always at least two leaders in every classroom.
  • Security cameras record classroom activity.

Volunteers are the foundation of Manna Kids. There are several ways to serve, ranging from leading a classroom to administrative tasks, leading games or music. Curriculum, supplies and the full support of our Manna team are provided. Interested in serving? Please contact us to explore the possibilities.
The Discipleship Ministry at Manna Fellowship Church

Discipleship Ministry

For believers in Jesus, discipleship encompasses everything involved in following Him. It’s not a class or a degree – it’s a lifestyle. Growing in the knowledge and application of the Scriptures is part of discipleship. The Discipleship Ministry at Manna is a 15-lesson Bible study and discussion, guided by a personal mentor. If you want to grow deeper in your knowledge of and love for God, this ministry is for you. Email us to learn more.

Food Pantry Ministry

The Manna Food Pantry serves residents of Cass County and beyond.
“I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.” – Jesus

The Manna Fellowship Food Pantry, located in Cass County, meets physical and spiritual needs.  It is free and open to residents of all counties. Guests must provide proof of residency (please bring a photo ID, utility bill or other document) and can visit the pantry once a month.

Day and Hours of Service Thursdays, 3-6 p.m.

Location The Porch, 17324 S. State Route 291, 64081. Look for the sign that says “The Porch” and “Manna Helps: Food Pantry” on the northwest corner of the intersection of 291 and 58 highways.
Manna Food Pantry in Cass County, Missouri
For the Manna Family
We rely on the generous donations of our church family and community to stock the food pantry. You can read or download our shopping list here. Thank you for your generosity!


Groups connect the congregation at Manna Fellowship Church
No matter the size of a church, everyone needs a small group of like-minded people to experience relationships as God intended. We're not meant to be spectators, but participants. In a group, each member plays a role in helping others know Christ and grow in Him.

Sunday Groups
A variety of Life Groups meet at 9:30 and 11 a.m. on Sundays. These informal, discussion-based groups provide an opportunity to get to know others while growing in your faith. Check out calendar to see what groups are meeting this week.

Home Groups
Welcome home! From September-May, Manna small groups meet weekly in homes to unpack God's Word together and encourage one another. Contact us to find a group.

Men's Ministry

Men's Ministry at Manna Fellowship Church
Manna Men are in different stages of life, from newly married to grandparents. Some work two (or more) jobs, some are retired. What they have in common is a desire to know Jesus Christ more fully and to reflect Him in every aspect of their lives. Together, they inspire each other to do more than they could alone.

Men’s activities include:
  • A weekly Bible Study Wednesdays at 6 a.m.
  • An annual men’s retreat each summer.

Character Builders Men’s Group
Tuesdays, 7 p.m., The Porch
Men will find encouragement in their walk with God through a multi-generational group that focuses on friendship, character development, prayer and growth.

Missions and Community Outreach

Missions at Manna Fellowship Church

At Manna, missions isn't something "out there."

It starts at our doorstep serving our local schools through the Harvester's BackSnack nutrition program.  It continues through our Food Pantry, which serves hundreds of families annually. Through our connection with Manna Worldwide, we participate in several international trips annually. Activities range from volunteering in schools and nutrition centers to telling people the Good News about Jesus.

Community Partnerships
We know we can’t do it all. That’s why we're pleased to partner with these local organizations that are changing lives:
S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym standing for Small Maintenance and Repair Team. SMART’s focus is serving widows, single moms and people with disabilities –starting with our own church family. To learn more about serving with S.M.A.R.T., please contact us.

Senior Adult Ministry

At Manna, we want no "silo" for senior adults. Are goal is for them to be fully integrated in the life of the church.  They have the time and wisdom to make an impact. In addition, there is a 55-and-older ministry that meets the second Saturday of each month at noon. It’s called Jollies and it doesn't take much imagination to see why:  "Joyful indeed are those whose God is the Lord" (Psalm 144:15). Jollies events include lunch, music and inspiration. To learn more, contact Bob Meuschke
Manna Student Youth Group Ministry

Student Ministry

  • Sundays, 9:30 a.m., The Porch
  • Sundays, 6 p.m., The Porch
Middle and high school students (grades 6-12) meet for Bible discussion and friendship. We're serious about having fun, discovering truth and serving our church, community and world. Students meet at the facility called The Porch, which is across the intersection from the main campus.

Student Camp, concerts, mission trips and other special events are also part of Student Ministry. Questions? Contact us to learn more.
Manna students meet at The Porch facility for youth group.

Women's Ministry

Women's Ministry at Manna includes weekly Bible studies, special events and mission trips. Check our calendar for upcoming activities or contact Women's Ministry Director Danielle McKay.

Women: Revelation Wellness
Revelation Wellness is a faith-based fitness class incorporating different types of cardio and strength exercises with a Scripture-based emphasis. All ages (The class is for ages 14 and up.) and fitness levels are welcome. For class times, visit our calendar or email the event organizer.

Worship Ministry

Worship Ministry at Manna Fellowship Church
To know God is to worship Him. At Manna, we seek to respond in worship through music and the arts. Ministries include:
  • Worship service music teams
  • Choir for adults, children and youth
  • Orchestra for adults, children and youth
  • Sound, media and lighting teams
  • Actors, dancers and others who express their devotion to God through creative endeavors
Learn more by contacting Worship Director Holly Schmidt.

Young Adult Ministry

At Manna, we want to help young people “keep [their] way pure” by keeping them connected to God’s Word and the local church. “Faith Forward,” our young adult ministry for individuals who are 18 (high school graduate)-30 years old, provides a place to connect and grow in Christ.