Manna Fellowship Church is ready to get connected with you. After filling out the connect card, one of our staff will contact you to get to know you better.
We have four primary ways for you to connect with Manna Fellowship Church
At Manna, we love Sundays! Our Sunday service is an opportunity each week to gather as a church family and worship our great God. Everything we do during the service, from singing songs and preaching to baptism and the Lord’s Supper, is for purpose of glorifying God in Christ. We have three services to choose from on Sunday morning: 8:00 A.M., 9:30 A.M., and 11:00 A.M. Both services are the same in style and music selection. We know that going to a new place can be intimidating. With that in mind, our greeters strive to help you feel at home. On your first Sunday with us you will receive a small gift to thank you for your visit. Join us this Sunday for the first step in your Discipleship Pathway. You can plan your first visit now!
2. Find Community through a weekly life group
At Manna, we believe we were meant to do life together. Life Groups are designed for the purpose of connecting with one another and caring for one another in biblical community. These groups are meant to help you know God through community with one another. We believe biblical community is essential for spiritual health. A Life Group is an environment of biblical community where people can feel welcome and accepted, learn God’s Word, and make disciples together. Life groups are encouraged to spend time studying the Bible weekly, hang out together monthly, and serve together quarterly. Life groups meet in a variety of locations all throughout the week, including Sunday morning. If you’re attending our weekly services, consider taking the next step in the Discipleship Pathway by joining a Life Group today.
3. Grow through Discipleship and Classes
At Manna, we believe that we grow in Christ as we know God in His Word. Our Discipleship One program is a one-on-one commitment for several months. Through Discipleship One, you will learn the foundations of the Christian faith in weekly meetings and learn to live these truths out in your daily life through home assignments. Discipleship One is an excellent opportunity to grow in your faith and get closer to a spiritual leader in your life. If you’re interested in starting Discipleship One, we’d encourage you to speak with your Life Group leader or pastor.
Classes are the next step following the completion of Discipleship One material. Classes are group learning environments to continue discipleship in your life. Classes will help equip believers to understand, interpret, and apply key texts and beliefs in the Christian faith in a way that yields transformation in all of life. These classroom environments will focus on head, heart, and hands. Not only will we talk about certain concepts in the classroom for understanding, but we will have individual and group study time to apply these truths to our hearts, and live these out through service opportunities as well. Classes are offered on Wednesday nights in the Fall and Spring for all who want to know God more deeply. If you’re already experiencing biblical community in a Life Group and are looking for the next step in your Discipleship Pathway, then Discipleship and Classes are for you.
4. Serve & Lead
At Manna, we believe the Lord has gifted every Christian with specific spiritual gifts to serve Him and His Church. We want to provide opportunities for using these gifts in His service however He may be leading you. If you’re involved with a Life Group and want to continue to grow in your relationship with Christ, consider serving Him through the many service opportunities at Manna. From serving in Manna Kids to leading a Life Group, there are dozens of service opportunities to follow where God is leading you. The final step of the Discipleship Pathway is pursuing Christ through a lifetime of service to Him and His Church.