Connect at Manna

Let's make some introductions.

Church is about gathering in large groups – but also small ones. Either expression is incomplete without the other. In a large group, we can all learn together from the same sermon, join our voices in worship and celebrate baptisms. Small groups open doors of friendship, service and camaraderie.

Welcome to Manna Fellowship Church

I'm new. What do I do?

Thank you for being our guest.

Please join us at services at 8, 9:30 or 11 a.m. All services are identical in style and content. If you would like to learn more about Manna, please stop at the welcome desk in the lobby. We'll be delighted to meet you. In addition, we'd love to give you a free Manna mug along with Mango Tree Coffee.
Guests at Manna Fellowship Church are welcome to a bag of Mango Tree Coffee along with the complementary mug.
Coming with kids?
Awesome! Children are welcome in worship services or at Manna Kids. For Manna Kids, please go to the information desk in the main lobby and let our team know your children will be participating for the first time. We’ll ask you to complete a form that provides important information about your kids (allergies, health needs and emergency contact information) so they can have an excellent experience.

Children’s activities Sunday morning
Children from preschool through fifth grade experience the Gospel in an age-relevant style.
  • 8 a.m. Learning and play for nursery-second grade (third grade and older participate in the worship service)
  • 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. Children learn about God and His Word through interactive activities including crafts, games, experiments and stories.

Membership: Join the Manna team

All are welcome at Manna. 
Our desire is that, when ready, people will move from being “fans” in the seats and join us on the field as members of the Manna team. Membership at Manna indicates:
  • You agree with our statement of faith.
  • You don’t want to merely observe, you want to serve.  
  • You have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • You have been baptized of your own free will and with your personal consent.

If you would like to learn more about membership, please join us at a Sunday Meet and Greet. These informal gatherings provide a light meal and an opportunity to interact with Manna leaders.

If you are ready to become a member, please read and sign our Members' Covenant. We'll follow-up with you promptly.

Still have questions? No problem. Just let us know. Thank you!
There are groups for all ages and interests at Manna Fellowship Church.


No matter the size of a church, everyone needs a small group of like-minded people to experience relationships as God intended. We are not meant to be spectators, but participants. In a group, each member plays a role in helping others know Christ and grow in Him. At Manna, you can find groups for:
  • Men
  • Women
  • Students
  • Couples
  • Common interests
  • General interest groups

Want additional details?  Learn more about groups or contact us.

Volunteer service: Faith in action

Serving the Body of Christ not only meets needs, it transforms those who serve. At Manna, we’re a volunteer-driven organization. Children’s ministry, musical worship, guest hospitality, student ministry, adult educators and parking lot attendants all serve as an act of worship and obedience to God.

Requirements to volunteer
Most volunteer service opportunities do not require membership. However, there may be other requirements. Adults working with children and students are required to submit a criminal background check. Some teaching positions require completion of Manna’s one-on-one discipleship curriculum. Do you have a passion to serve? Use this form to get started, then we’ll follow up with you. Or you can simply call us and talk to a real person. We like that too.

We take prayer seriously at Manna Fellowship Church. Share your prayer needs here.

Get Prayer

"Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. ... Pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." – James 5:13-16

At Manna, we're serious about prayer. We have a dedicated volunteer team committed to praying for our church, our world and your personal requests. We’ve created this prayer submission form for your convenience. If you’d rather talk to someone, please call us. We're looking forward to receiving your requests – and God's answer.